Human Angels - Our Eight Responsible Countries:
Australia. We have a large choice of up to 59,000 Australian Charities. We target general homelessness, youth drug addiction, family violence and single families with difficulties making ends meet. We will tackle the chronic shortage of accommodation for the poor. We address situations of mothers going without food, so their children can eat. We provide a helping hand during times when charities are stretched, and donations becoming scarce. As a first world country we can do better, and we will do better. We believe that being happy includes thinking about the less fortunate. A rich and full life should always involve helping those in need. We want to look back and say, "we gave our all to help them".
* Australian families in poverty now face the real possibility of homelessness. Financial pressure is being felt by the children, whose normal childhood is replaced with lack, guilt and shame. Human Angels Australia will help.

Thailand. (See Khlong Toey Slum Video Below) We will be funding Australian charities working with the Khlong Toey Slum, Bangkok's largest slum. We sponsor children affected by poverty, and help poor families in need. The extended 'covid-19 pandemic' has left more than one million in poverty on the streets. Our Papassorn Huayyai (Reny) will also be working with our target Australian Charities, but also Thai charities such as the Wat phrabatnampu Foundation, the Baannokkamin Foundation, the Santisuk Foundation, and the Sikkha Foundation. These Thai Buddhist Monk charities support outcasts from society, with severe illnesses such as HIV Aides & Leprosy. These wonderful Thai charities cover those areas which are difficult to reach. We greatly admire the loving kindness of the Thai Buddhist Monks. We know that Australian Charities in Thailand have been starved of their normal routine funding, with the inability to travel during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns. We have a financial solution to support those charities under pressure at the moment. Unfortunately, Thai Project commitment costs could not be put on hold during those covid-19 lock downs. Children and families still needed to be supported. We were there to help. We want the very best for all the Thai people living in poverty. Our Human Angel Papassorn Huayyai will be working directly with thai charities and providing our full support. Papassorn Huayyai is a practicing Theravada Buddhist from the Wat Thep
Buat Temple, Thailand.
India. We directly fund Australian charities working in India. Our main focus is the Dharavi Community Slum, which is a residential area in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It has often been considered to be one of the world's largest slums. Dharavi has an area of just over 2.39 square kilometres and a population of about 1,000,000. Dharavi is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. Dharavi was made famous in 2008 with the movie 'Slumdog Millionaire'.
* Poverty conditions in the Dharavi Slum were desperate during the Covid-19 lock downs.

Kenya. (See Kibera Slum Video Below) We will be funding Australian charities working with the 'Kibera Slum', Nairobi Kenya. Human Angels Australia is affiliated with local organisations, churches and schools througout Kenya. Our Pastor Lillian Adongoo has personally contacted and is affilliated with hundreds of churches and schools, across Kenya, and whom are now ready to receive funding from Human Angels Australia. Our Pastor Lillian is also currently working with slum communities at the Kibera Slums, as well as the Kayole Soweto Slums, both in Nairobi Kenya. Nairobi is home to about a dozen very large slums, with Kibera being the largest by far. We very much look forward to working with the Kibera slum residents. 'Kibera Slum' is considered by many to be the largest slum in the world. The video below is close to our hearts, and touches a nerve whenever it is viewed. Please watch this video on Kibera Slum all the way through. It truly is heart breaking. We will help these communities by working with all Australian charities and locally run organizations in Kenya, to help ease the pain in both the Kibera & Kayole Soweto Slums, Nairobi Kenya.
Uganda. (See Umoya Ministries Video Below) We will be funding Australian charities working with the Kisenyi Slum Kampala Uganda. Pastor Harriet & our Youth Development Officer, Essy Chebet will be working with Australian charities helping with extreme poverty in Kampala's Kisenyi Slum. We will also have a focus on street children, abandoned and left without any support in Kampala. We will also have a focus on the many millions of Sudanese Refugees whom over the last (7) years have fled to Uganda from their oppressive Sudanese Government regime. We will work with the Sudanese refugee camps near the Ugandan border with Sudan, which accommodates up to (4) million people. Uganda has been very generous, helping the Sudanese refugees by donating an acre of land for each family to live. We want to do all we can for the Sudanese refugees now living in Ugandan Camps and under tremendous pressure to survive.
Philippines. We will be funding Community Slums in Manila such as the Tondo Slum which has in excess of 600,000 slum residents living there. Some slums in Manila are essentially just rubbish dumps.
A major focus for Human Angels Australia in Tondo is Barangay 105, also known as “Happyland”— the poorest slum in Manila, where about 12000 people live on a dumpsite surrounded by big piles of garbage. This also explains the extremely ironic name of the district — originally, the district was called “Hapilan”, which originates from a local Visaya-dialect and translates to “smelly trash”.
* Conditions at the Tondo Slum are unhealthy and invite sickness for residents.

Ghana. We will be funding Australian charities working with the eight or so slums in Accra Ghana, such as Agbogbloshie Slum the Jamestown Slum and the Fadama Slum. Our people will be working with all the Australian charities in Ghana. We look forward to helping children facing 'child exploitation' in the rubbish dumps of Accra City, Ghana. Children as young as thirteen, working twelve hour days, every day, and handling toxic chemicals, just to earn a few dollars to help feed their families. They miss out on an education at school. This is not acceptable to us. We will help get them back to school by eliminating the need for families to send children out to work like this. Our approach is to have financial incentives for families to keep children in school. We will have a presence across Ghana, to provide support for the poor. Our Ghana office will be in Accra, Ghana.
* Kids in Ghana are forced to sift through rubbish for anything worth eating, or useable to support their family.

Madagascar. We will be funding Australian charities working in Madagaskar's Capital City, Antananarivo. They are fighting a 75% poverty rate. Pastor Harriet will be working with Australian charities, together with many smaller charities and orphanages doing it tough in Antananarivo. The poverty rate in Madagaskar is shocking, is not acceptable, and is amongst the worst rates of poverty anywhere in the world.
In these environments we will have a huge effect, as very little has been done so far. There has simply not been the means to help. These examples of poverty you may already know about. There has never before been an opportunity such as this, to make a difference. Now is the first time ever that our world has a 'specific focus' on worldwide humanitarian projects. Just the smallest things we do now, will have major flow on effects for these communities. Precious few resources are making their way to the extreme poor of community slums. Human Angels Australia & Human Angels Africa are dedicated to the extreme poor barely surviving in global community slums.
* Madagascar has suffered from recent drought, forcing previously self sufficient farmers to flee the south and go north towards Antananarivo in search of food and water. Families then often relied on insects for their survival. Madagascar had a high poverty rate (75 %) before drought in those Southern Madagascar farming communities.